ladies casual shoes

Since I’ve made the transition from looks solely to comfort which can be seen in my choice of ladies casual shoes and clothing, my attitude has come to match this new me as a result too.

shoes for dancing

There’s nothing better than waking up next to your best friend! I enjoy spending time with my husband day in and day out, and can certainly say we’ve reached a point in our relationship where we simply don’t even have to say a word, just a facial expression is enough to make a statement andContinue reading

oxybenzone free sunscreen

As a conscious person when it comes to the dangers of the sun, I’m always reminding my family about the importance of wearing sunscreen. We almost never go outside without applying sunscreen, but still, there is an alarming number of people who brave the UV rays without the help of sunblock. As if skin cancerContinue reading

uniforms for work

Though we’re all aware of the financial rewards work brings about, there are benefits that go beyond this. When you work it gives you a purpose, fills your days with productiveness so you get a sense of accomplishment, a sense of being useful if you will, which in turn positively affects the health and well-being.

winter dresses for women

If you read my posts, you know I don’t like winter; actually what I don’t like is the cold, not the season itself though it does associate me of colds and the flu (thankfully we haven’t had them this winter after taking precautions!). Winter provides a different kind of fun than summer and now thatContinue reading

cabello comfort shoes

Ageing is an inevitable process that most of us would much rather just ignore, pretend it’s not a part of life, it’s never going to happen to us, we’re always going to stay youthful, no wrinkles, no saggy parts, no greys. This used to be my mindset until I became a mum. Motherhood is theContinue reading

Work Heels With Strap

There’s nothing better in life than knowing who you truly are. Sure, the journey of self-discovery may take you a while to find the way to your true self but once you do things get easier, life becomes simpler, decision making gets effortless.


Isn’t it funny how some of us are so used to discomfort we don’t even mind it? Trying not to hurt anyone’s feelings I would just keep my thoughts to myself and be friendly no matter the situation, I might as well say it became a habit to feel discomfort. It reached to the pointContinue reading

ladies poncho

You know how you’re certain you hate a specific piece of clothing the minute you lay your eyes on it, but then find yourself surprisingly adoring it? This exact thing happened to me with ponchos. Somehow I always considered they’d make me look like a sack of potatoes, not flattering my figure in the wayContinue reading
