Hi, everyone! It’s Jade here, your friendly interior designer-slash-mum who’s forever juggling kids, a hubby, and a dog who thinks every piece of furniture is his personal dog bed. I’ve tackled my fair share of small bedrooms (mine, the boys’, and client spaces), and let me tell you, making a tiny space work is likeContinue reading

garden mulch

Sometimes, even with our best efforts to eat healthily, we still need supplements to get all the nutrients we need. Well, the same goes for the soil your plants grow in. It’s no secret that the quality of the soil is key for a thriving garden. But, without the right knowledge, we might choose theContinue reading

balcony garden

Gardening is a pastime activity that can provide you with the relaxation you need from daily stresses, and at the same time give you the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your effort in the form of produce. Despite these benefits, it can be difficult for the modern-day individual who is constantly busy, and moreoverContinue reading

1500mm vanity

The bathroom, as a utilitarian room, is all about practicality, efficiency, and function. And, you can’t have any of these unless you take care of space properly, ensuring there’s enough of it so you can carry on with your routines with minimal hassle. This is especially important if you have a smaller bathroom, or oneContinue reading


Texture from textiles is more than welcome when it’s time to tie the rooms together and enhance the interior décor in a cosy way. There are certainly plenty of options you can work with, but it’s rugs that have remained in fashion time and time again. And, not just any – it’s jute I’m talkingContinue reading


A beautiful garden is one of the best features a home can have, immediately boosting its curb appeal and value. It also enhances the quality of life by providing shade, lush greenery, and privacy from neighbours and passers-by. Trees, in particular, are invaluable in a garden. They offer numerous benefits, but they also require regularContinue reading

Bathroom by ken’s plumbing

Working as an interior designer, I’ve spent my whole life designing and remodelling homes, so I know exactly what is needed before you begin any bathroom project. At this point, I could probably put together a rough list rather quickly, but I never do that. I do a ton of behind-the-scenes planning before beginning anyContinue reading

Step Ladder and a Step Stool

Every workplace has its own hazards, no matter how safe and secure it might appear. Sure, the hazards of the construction sites or medical labs are different from those of the offices, but that doesn’t mean the latter are entirely hazard-free. That includes the home-based ones as well. Something as simple as fetching paperwork fromContinue reading
