study guides

Every parent knows that once the child starts with school, you get to relive some of your school days (trauma included) as learning things becomes a family affair. Ever since I finished school, I remember the feeling of happiness it was all over, especially the subjects I didn’t feel I was that good at likeContinue reading

Hobonichi Techo Planner openned on the table with pen on it

I never thought of myself as this highly organised person/control freak before I became a mother. I also never thought I’d live my life according to a schedule, but here we are. With a husband, two lovely boys, and a Golden Retriever later, I spontaneously became the wife, mum, and dog owner who likes toContinue reading


My grandma taught me how to knit when I was a little girl and since then, I’ve knitted in waves, picking it up to make a blanket for a friend for example, or going months or years without knitting anything. But the hand motions always come back to me quickly. Every time I start knitting againContinue reading


I am not a huge celebrity fan (not counting Nicolas Cage and Bon Jovi), but the recent news involving the sex change of the first-born child of famous power couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Shiloh, simply had me wondering about God and homosexuality. I recently read the book Is God Anti-Gay by Sam AllberryContinue reading
