
With so many things to do around the house and so little time, I’m sure many women like me would be more than glad to eliminate a chore whenever possible. The bathroom is one room I’m not all too excited to be cleaning – it’s where I like to go and do some pampering, notContinue reading

Dog Shoes: Necessary Pet Supplies to Protect The Delicate Paws

It’s been a while since I talked about Uno, our beloved Golden Retriever. But rest assured, he’s still with us and as loved as the day we got him. I haven’t talked about him much because he spent some time over at my parents’ during the lockdowns to offer them comfort and company.

kids cubby house

If you want your children to grow into confident and independent adults, I strongly recommend buying them a cubby house. You don’t have to wait for them to ask for one when you can surprise them with a place of their own yourself. If you have a spacious yard, or even one big enough toContinue reading

woman riding evolve electric skateboard

There’s no doubt electricity has made the world a better place ever since Tesla and Edison made their contributions. However, the role of electricity in this respect is far from over if we also consider the latest trends in electric vehicles. It’s all about greener energy, greater speed, and greater convenience.

urban garden with self watering planter

It’s no secret that urban areas are becoming denser and bigger than ever. It’s not surprising since most people prefer to live in the cities. However, as of late, things have been changing direction. Especially since the pandemic, more people than ever started looking for bigger homes with gardens that would allow them to getContinue reading

baby covered in white blanket

To new and expecting parents, few things are as charming as a cute baby outfit. It’s like it wraps around the baby like a comforting, long-lasting hug. However, the quality of the garments we dress our little ones in continues to receive little attention. The clothes we buy in stores or online are frequently treatedContinue reading

Stylish living room with huge tv cabinet

Decorating an empty living room can feel intimidating, I know. With the many possibilities for furniture, accessories and decorations available, it can be challenging to know how to fill your space. There is also the fact that we all want something a little different to make our homes reflect our personalities and tastes in aesthetics. 
