Dog Shoes: Necessary Pet Supplies to Protect The Delicate Paws

Dog Shoes: Necessary Pet Supplies to Protect The Delicate Paws

It’s been a while since I talked about Uno, our beloved Golden Retriever. But rest assured, he’s still with us and as loved as the day we got him. I haven’t talked about him much because he spent some time over at my parents’ during the lockdowns to offer them comfort and company.

And after we got him back, he went through some problems of his own that got us worried and busy getting him in perfect health. It all started when my older son Ethan noticed him licking his paws more than usual. After we eliminated the fact he wasn’t turning into a cat, it dawned on us that he must be having some issue that needed tending to pronto. Sure, it wasn’t a pesky flea problem, but still, we knew we had to act fast for our good.

Googling what the cause might be only scared us into thinking it’s something serious, and incurable. However, the trip to the vet set our minds at ease that it was only itchiness due to dry skin, which could be treated with topically applied vitamin E and coconut oil. It turned out to be easier said than done due to Uno’s urge to lick his paws even more. And that’s how we brought dog shoes into the picture.

Are Dog Shoes Necessary?

Are Dog Shoes Necessary?

Well, I certainly didn’t think of them as crucial pet supplies. However, things changed after this situation. So, I made sure to choose waterproof dog shoes with a mitten-shaped design for a flexible and stretchy fit that guarantees comfort and no slippage. While you may think waterproof shoes aren’t necessary for indoor use, they’re recommended because they have a soft yet supportive rubber base designed for traction.

Even if your furry friend isn’t going through an issue with the paws, wearing suitable footwear (or better said paw-wear) can come in handy in preventing certain issues. For example, the same type of shoes my Uno has is perfect for older dogs that have mobility or ligament issues and suffer from arthritis or hip dysplasia. Even if your dog isn’t old, it would benefit from such accessories, especially if you have a slippery floor.

Surfaces that tend to cause slips and slides include our favourite laminate, as well as tiles, and even hardwood floors. After you’ve taken care of nail trimming, and it still fails to give them the needed support, stability, and traction, it’s time for the shoes to take over. And then, there’s the fact that paw-friendly waterproof dog shoes are great for outdoor use too and offer the ideal protection against the elements.

Harsh sun and hot pavements, slippery roads from rain and snow can all take their toll on your Fido’s paws. Rough and uneven terrains can be just as uncomfortable for our pets as they are for us, so if we can’t imagine stepping out without reliable footwear, the same should go for our pets. Then again, there’s always the risk of stepping on something and getting a splinter or a bruised paw which could lead to irritations or worse, bacterial and fungal infections.

And don’t get me started on those annoying allergies that happen because of skin contact with irritants and take a long time to manage and treat. Lastly, a pair of functional dog boots is your extra line of defence in addition to special collars and grooming essentials when protecting your pooch from mites, ticks, and all sorts of insects. If you tend to go on frequent trips outdoors, these dog accessories are a valuable purchase considering they assist with eliminating the aforementioned dangers.

How to Find the Perfect Dog Shoes?

How to Find the Perfect Dog Shoes?

Shopping for our footwear is an overwhelming experience due to the variety of options and the difficulty to find the right fit. Imagine how much more overwhelming it becomes when you have to shop for your pet! But don’t worry, it shouldn’t be all too difficult when you know what you’re doing.

How to know if dog boots fit? Easy, measure up your dog’s paws to ensure the right fit for comfortable wear. This way you don’t risk causing discomfort. You’re going to need a blank piece of paper and a marker, then you’re going to put your dog’s front paws on the paper, one by one, placing them the flat same way as it has its paws when walking. Mark the sides of the front paws, as well as the outline with the nails, and measure the width of the space between the sides, then check the sizing chart for the waterproof dog shoes when shopping online.

It would also help if you determine the purpose of the shoes because some models are sturdier than others and are better left for heavy-duty outdoor use, like hiking, instead of indoor use. Seasonal protection shoes differ as there are those for the warmer months as opposed to those designed for the colder that tend to be thicker.

Once you have the right model and the right fit, keep in mind it’s going to take some time for your pup to get used to this new accessory, the same way with a new collar. For the experience to be pleasant, it’s advisable to play with your dog as soon as you put the shoes on and then give a couple of treats. This way, he or she will associate this new thing with something positive.
