flash light against a bigger flashlight

Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, some tools can make your life easier, be it daily or in those particular instances when you could do with some help. This is the case with lights as artificial illumination that can assist you with repairs in difficult-to-reach spots, emergencies where there’s poor lighting, or activities when you’re out and about like setting up the campsiteContinue reading

teenagers playing with realistic army toys

We’re all different, and that’s where the beauty lies. Some of us love school and learning, whereas others need some more convincing to grow into it, and it’s all okay. Each of my sons is the perfect example of each of these groups, as Ethan is all enthusiastic about anything and everything school-related, whereas NoahContinue reading


In the whirlwind of juggling interior design projects and raising two energetic kids, I neglected the most crucial aspect of my life: my health. But as my kids grew older and my schedule eased up, I realised it was time to prioritise myself. With newfound determination, I embarked on a journey to reclaim my well-being,Continue reading


When it comes to cricket, one could argue that the helmet is the batter’s second most essential piece of equipment (the bat being the first, of course). If you ask most batters, they’ll tell you that a quality helmet is even more important than a good bat. That’s because when you bat, you don’t evenContinue reading

Step Ladder and a Step Stool

Every workplace has its own hazards, no matter how safe and secure it might appear. Sure, the hazards of the construction sites or medical labs are different from those of the offices, but that doesn’t mean the latter are entirely hazard-free. That includes the home-based ones as well. Something as simple as fetching paperwork fromContinue reading


Whether you’re a sneakerhead or simply someone who likes to wear sneakers for the cool and relaxed aesthetic plus the utmost comfort they provide, I’m sure you’d agree some types truly stand out from the rest. No matter how time passes, and how many trends dictate what ends up on the store shelves as wellContinue reading

Woman and senior gold retriever

Opening up your home and family for a dog is an enriching experience that benefits you in more ways than one. It gives you a companion who’s always there for you and someone to care for, teaching you the importance of responsibility. It’s especially beneficial for children, as it helps keep them active, assists themContinue reading

person turning on automatic blinds

Up until some years ago, smart homes were thought of as something only a few would have or could benefit from. I was one of those who looked at it as a kind of unnecessary investment, especially when there were alternatives that served us fine before the smart even appeared. Well, fast forward to today,Continue reading
