portable cat enclosures

If you want happy and healthy kids, let them grow up with pets. I’ve heard this time and time again yet somehow haven’t had the courage to actually put it to practice at home. It’s not that I don’t like animals, I love them in fact, but I have my doubts about allergies, fleas andContinue reading

dog rubbing

Bathing is an important part of keeping our dog’s Uno coat and skin healthy. Besides helping to maintain his fur clean and free of dirt and parasites, bathing also makes our pooch more pleasant to be around. A few weeks ago when I was giving Uno a relaxing bath, I noticed a tiny black-brown dotContinue reading


Kids and pets go well together, but my husband and I still haven’t given pet adoption as much thought even though Matthew has been insisting on getting a puppy for months now. Spending time with Ethan and Noah and their Golden Retriever Uno certainly started the whole thing, I’m sure, no one can resist Uno’sContinue reading


Last week when my mother-in-law was visiting, she suggested that we should stop allowing Uno to sleep in Ethan’s bed. The reason was because she read somewhere that pets can actually transfer diseases to children if they sleep in the same bed. This really got me to thinking about the subject, so I started searchingContinue reading

Walking Retrievers

My older son loves dogs. Every time we are out and he sees someone with a dog he turns to me and says, “Mum look how cute that dog is, I wish I could have one”. Every time I hear that my heart aches and a strange feeling of guilt takes over me. Although theContinue reading
