baby bath cover

When you’re new to parenthood, there are so many things that cross your mind as you tell yourself you’re not exactly parent-material and you dwell on all the fears. As it’s a beautiful yet challenging experience, it’s natural to feel this way. Now that I’ve had my share of trials and errors, as well asContinue reading


Bathing your baby is not only necessary to keep them clean, but studies have shown that it’s critical for their cognitive and emotional development. During bath time, all the senses that are engaged encourage their brain to really focus. Plus, while there are many sleep aids to help your little one drift off with ease,Continue reading

Toys Cover

Before becoming a mum of two, I was a person who was always spending the days in anxiety without any apparent reason. I was known among my family and friends as the overthinker, playing out various scenarios in my mind of how situations could unravel – in other words, stressing out over problems that didn’tContinue reading

backpack cover

As a new expecting parent, you might be wondering do I need a diaper bag? The straight answer to this question is, YES! A diaper bag is, without a doubt, one of the most important baby essentials that you should not forget to buy. For the next few years of your life, your nappy bag willContinue reading


It’s on every new parent’s wish list – more sleep! Sleep deprivation is probably the most common thing among new parents. According to research, parents lose around 50 hours of sleep in the first year of their child’s life! If you are one of them, you may be desperate to know how to get yourContinue reading

New Mums

One of the truths of becoming a new mum is that what you receive from family and friends might be beautifully wrapped and nice-looking, but most of the time it’s not practical, it’s not needed and it certainly doesn’t help any mum through the sleep-deprived tears at 2 am. In the early stages, the bestContinue reading

Breastfeeding Diet

When you are breastfeeding, it’s important to eat plenty and stay hydrated to keep a good milk supply and maintain your health and energy levels. Some people say that you must “eat for two” when you’re pregnant, this is totally not true. The caloric requirement for a pregnant woman doesn’t actually increase in her firstContinue reading

montessori toys

You may think that applying the Montessori philosophy at home with children can seem a daunting task. After all, educators need to get dedicated training in their curriculum, so how could you possibly use this philosophy at home if you don’t have a special degree? Well, it’s true that educators need to have a deepContinue reading

Teething Toys

Mamas, let’s talk about the difficult phase of baby teething. I know what you’re thinking reading this, if only this was the single difficult phase of a bub… and you’d be right, it would take me this whole blog post to cover it up. Still, despite all the challenges that come with having a baby,Continue reading
