It’s a well-known fact no one can or should deny: people’s addiction to sugar has become epidemic. You can easily see the evidence on people’s expanding waistline and the increasing number of individuals with sugar-related diseases, such as diabetes. Contrary to what many parents believe, sugar is not a sweet treat that kids can enjoyContinue reading

erythritol powered sugar

Over the last few years, I’ve done a lot of low carb baking and have tried almost every sweetener on the market, so today, I can freely say that my absolute favorite one is erythritol. If you are not familiar with it, erythritol is a sugar alcohol. It is available in crystalline and powdered formsContinue reading

Bpa Free Drink Bottles Go Green and Stay Healthy

Everyone knows that eating fresh produce and regularly exercising is essential in order to stay healthy and in good shape. However, in addition to these, there are other important factors that should also be taken into consideration but are often overlook them. For example, what do you drink your water from while sweating buckets atContinue reading

No Sugar

I’ve recently accepted a challenge: eliminate sugar completely from my family’s diet. I always knew sugar is bad for the overall health, but I never actually put any serious thought in it. And when I read this article in a health magazine on all the damage sugar does to the body, I made an instantContinue reading

White Wine Pairings

Hello my fellow mums. I know I haven’t been as active lately, and to be honest, with the hectic being-a-devoted-mom schedule that basically dictates my every day, I haven’t really had time for anything. But let me not bore you with baby food and diaper rashes today; this post will address something more fun –Continue reading

Holiday in Italy

When my husband first told me that we were going to Italy to spend our vacation there, I literally went crazy; I love Italy and everything about it so much, and because of that love and admiration I signed up for a Italian language course and managed to communicate in Italian while on our vacation!Continue reading


I may look very ordinary, but as my husband likes to say, I’m like a cherry-filled chocolate, chocolate with surprise. Although I’m usually pretty straight-forward and prefer simple things, when it comes to entertaining, I like to kick it up a notch. Although having two small boys, makes it feel like a party every day,Continue reading


Being a mom of a 7-month-old baby boy, having a sit-down breakfast (the one that’s good for you) is mission impossible (unless you are Tom Cruise). For real. But given the fact that I am breastfeeding, getting my morning energy boost is very important to me. So, for a month or so, I would getContinue reading
