study guides

Every parent knows that once the child starts with school, you get to relive some of your school days (trauma included) as learning things becomes a family affair. Ever since I finished school, I remember the feeling of happiness it was all over, especially the subjects I didn’t feel I was that good at likeContinue reading


Ah, to be a child of 6 or 7 again. It’s that perfect middle childhood age where you’re a bit more independent than before, you can better understand the world and find better ways to describe your feelings. All the while still being able to have lots of fun through play without worrying about exams,Continue reading

work boots

I’m always ready to catch up when the case is about health trends. That doesn’t mean I go after whatever appears on the health and wellness scene, but I’m more than willing to make a change in my lifestyle if I see some trend could contribute to my well-being. That is, after doing careful researchContinue reading

knife sharpening steel

Being a wife and a mother means turning into an enthusiastic cook even if cooking wasn’t something you ever thought you would love to do or be good at. My small Japanese knife collection perfectly captures this, and it’s much beloved for the characteristics like having blades that are thinner, harder, and sharper. All thisContinue reading


With summer just around the corner, there’s no better time to start planning for the holiday. When you have kids who are in school, surprisingly the most difficult part of the summer turns out to be the part where they get a school break; at least it was so in our case, with boredom easilyContinue reading


Hi, everyone! It’s Jade here, your friendly interior designer-slash-mum who’s forever juggling kids, a hubby, and a dog who thinks every piece of furniture is his personal dog bed. I’ve tackled my fair share of small bedrooms (mine, the boys’, and client spaces), and let me tell you, making a tiny space work is likeContinue reading


Recreational running may not be every woman’s cup of tea, but it’s a nice activity that gets you going. When done regularly, it can help with burning calories, maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health and fitness, preventing heart attacks and strokes, and strengthening muscles as well as bones. 
