How to Screen Your Outdoor Setting from the Sun and Rain
Spring is almost here! Oh, I get so happy when the Sun starts shining and everything around me awakens with colours. The entire living world awakens from the deep, winter sleep and starts to bloom and live. The nature and the animals, the people, the homes and the gardens. Speaking of which, after I refreshed my home with new, spring details, now it’s time to refresh my backyard. There will be a lot of sunbathing and morning enjoyments with a cup of coffee in the comfort of my backyard and my small rose garden.
When it comes to refreshing your backyard, besides trimming the plants, trees and the grass, there is also the outdoor furniture which serves to the pleasure of you and your guests when they come over. It’s spring, it would be a shame to make them sit indoors when everything outside is so amazing. So, before you start preparing your outdoor setting for this spring, you should inspect if everything is still in good shape from the passed winter. And that’s where a lot of people get disappointed.
During winter, when a lot of rain and snow cover the ground and ruin our mood, your outdoor furniture must be well protected. Now, some people have basements and large garages in which they can store everything and keep it away from the influence of the elements, but some don’t. Also, some people don’t like taking away their outdoor furniture pieces. Which is why, the most convenient solution would be to use outdoor setting covers to protect them. What’s the purpose of having a gorgeous set of timber seating set if you can use it only for one season and then be forced to throw it away because rain has taken the tax on it? A solution like outdoor setting covers made of durable, waterproof material would keep your furniture pieces and cushions protected.
Even though summer is great, the sun can do a really big damage. Plastic can change its colour and cushions almost always do that. Which is why, it’s good to use covers for the peak periods of the Sun during the day to prevent this from happening. That way, your outdoor setting would be kept in perfect shape, almost like new.
And last but not least; it’s summer, insects and little animals are everywhere doing all kinds of stuff. You don’t want a wandering cat or God forbid a rat to spend a few minutes on your outdoor sofa cushions do you? Yes, you’ll clean it, but you won’t be able to free your mind of the thought, which will ultimately end up with you buying new cushions. Why spend the money?
In short, just like you care about protecting everything else in your home, you should care about your outdoor setting as well. With a simple solution such as covers, you’d keep everything in place, perfectly protected and even save time and money which you’d otherwise spend on buying new stuff.