Same as mаny people, I’d be lying if I said I have no fear of dentists. Sometimes just the thought of paying them a visit scares me, other times it’s the smell, the vibration and noise some of the tools make upon a visit, even if I’m not experiencing particular pain. Oh the pain, don’tContinue reading

semi automatic external defibrillator

Life is too precious yet not many of us take the time to really think about it and start appreciating it truly for what it is. I get sad when I see how most people only realise this when it’s rather late so I always live to the fullest, making the most of health andContinue reading


Isn’t it unfair how little we think about the daily wear and tear we put our feet through? I know this goes for a lot of women especially, those who don’t take even a second to question whether their love for high heels is doing their feet any harm. Facing the threat of bunions madeContinue reading

natural feminine care

When we think of pampering, most of us consider it to be something expensive, like visiting the local spas, getting treatments and the like. I can tell because I used to have that opinion when I was younger and single, but not having the budget enough to visit the spa as often as wanted orContinue reading

yoga tips

Oh, yoga and how it keeps transforming my life, where do I even begin? It’s been part of me for quite some time now, and I certainly owe a lot to it in terms of helping me mature, get to know, love and nurture my body and soul better, including making me more mindful aboutContinue reading

women's whey protein powder

In an attempt to age gracefully like Halle Berry and Cindy Crawford, recently, I decided that it is time to devote more attention to my looks and diet. But after only two weeks of more rigorous dieting and exercising (and Tupperware containers full of brown rice, chicken, and broccoli), I started to feel an uncontrollableContinue reading

Buy Vegan Protein Powder

The results from my last checkup have shown that my cholesterol level is above normal. What I feared has come upon me. You see, even though I try to eat as healthy as I can and I’m physically active (I like yoga and hiking, my high cholesterol is genetic – it runs in the family.Continue reading

latex mattress

I’m a person who is constantly looking for choices that lead to a healthier lifestyle. My last decision was one concerning my kids’ mattresses. At first, I didn’t know that the mattress my children sleep on could make a big difference in their overall health. I mean, I knew about the importance of a comfortableContinue reading
